Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Messengers: Emoticons

We tried to use Yahoo Messenger in the teaching of speaking and grammar last time, and we also had 'written conversation' about YM. While chatting, we often used emoticons, such as and . Here is a snapshot of our chat last time.

Do you know that YM has hidden emoticons? Hidden emoticons are emoticons that you cannot find in your YM software but can be used by writing the appropriate codes.

Click here to see the emoticons.
Click here to see the hidden emoticons.

I hope the emoticons can make learning using YM more motivating for your students.


  1. Excuse me, Bu Raras. I have a problem with emoticons. I've already followed the ways from you. However, after pasting the emoticons to my blog spot, they do not come up.
    Would you please tell me the solution. Thank you.

  2. Some students had the same problem as you did, and I wrote the solution in the comment ini

    If this doesn't work, please look at the tabs on the top right corner of the box when you're composing/editing a blog entry. There are 2 tabs there: edit HTML and compose. Make sure you click 'compose'. Bu Kusaini had the same problem and it was solved when I clicked 'compose' instead of 'edit HTML'. I hope this helps.

  3. Excuse me, Bu Raras. When I open New Post, there is always a written word "Be smart" in the blog post, not in a blank one. Why is it so? Could you please tell me about it? Thank you so much.

  4. Hmmm...that's strange. Probably it's a glitch. Just ignore the words and delete them.
