You've learned how to use the internet in language teaching and learning. As the end of the semester is drawing near, I need to explain the final project that you have to do as a requirement to pass this course.

As mentioned in the syllabus, the project consists of two parts: the online project and a paper.
- The online project can be (1) your Multiply site, or (2) your blog in Blogger. Please post or upload anything related to the teaching of English in your school in Multiply or Blogger. Remember, they were created to encourage you and your students to make good use of the internet in the teaching and learning of English.
- The paper can be about (1) a report of the application of the internet in your school, or (2) detailed explanation about the above online project. Some of you said that you had a report of action research you conducted in your school when you used ICT in the teaching of English. This is a good paper to be submitted for this course, and can be categorized as no (1) above. If you haven't written any research report about the use of internet in language teaching, you can write the assignment no (2).
If you want to write a paper about Multiply or Blogger, here is how you organize it.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Review of literature
Section 3: Current Project
Section 4: Conclusion
In the
introduction, explain the background of writing this paper. Write about the education in Indonesia, East Java and your school (from general to specific things). For example you may want to write about the efforts to improve the quality of education, policy of the government in establishing RSBI, the development of technology & its use in education, etc.

In the
review of literature, please write about blogs (if you choose Blogger as your final project) or social networking sites (if you choose Multiply as your final project). Explain what they are, what their function is, their pedagogical application, etc. In other words, you talk about blogs or social networking sites in general.

In the
current project section, you write specifically about your own Blogger or Multiply site: what you use it for, what subject/course it is about, whether you use it to post course materials or supplemental materials, how you maintain contact with your students through the site, etc, etc, etc.
The deadline of both the online project and the paper is
22 June 2010. Please submit the hardcopy of the paper to Dr. Ali Mustofa, while the soft copy should be sent to me by email.
If you have questions about the final project, please write them in the comment box below. I will try to answer them as soon as possible.

Good luck